Sunday, October 10, 2010


I lovelovelove Oreos, particularly Halloween Oreos. With the orange creme, they are the best.

And(!), they come in five boo-rific shapes which, I think, is supposed to be a good thing.

Boo-rific indeed.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

mallo out

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year!

Mallomars are back on our local grocer's shelves!

Due to their heat sensitivity, Mallomars have a season that starts about now and runs until it gets warm again. While I really like summer, I also really like Mallomars--so the balance of life is maintained pretty well for me through this transitional period.

After months of idleness, the time is now(!) to hunt, gather, and begin stockpiling for summer.