Friday, March 30, 2012

makin' whoopie pies

I feel I have the authority to say this now that I've completed some classes in color theory.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today is Oreo's 100th birthday!
And it's been a loooong day
I say it's about time to wrap things up [in chocolate chips].

Happy Oreo Centennial!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

cake your pick

What do you get when you put Valentine's candy, coffee, measuring cups, almond milk, and an iPad together?
That would be my recent baking venture--peanut butter cup cake cookies.
Something cakey, something sweet, something vegan, something whole wheat.
You should put a Reese's on top--or maybe hide the peanut butter in the center. It's the surprise party of cookies.
Go ahead, cake your day.